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Wow. Over two years since I wrote my last post. You may think something happened two years ago that got me super busy and unable to write my thoughts down. I would love to say that it was because I received a pup for Christmas two years ago and I was busy taking care of him – making sure he was properly potty trained and felt comfortable in his new home.

Pumpkin Picking

Halloween may not be my favorite holiday, but there are numerous things I love about it. One of my favorite activities to do is carve pumpkins. I’ve been carving pumpkins every Halloween for as long as I can remember and after 20 or so years of practice, I’m still awful at it.

Life is Beautiful!

As you may know, I love going to music festivals. To me, there are few things better than dancing to a great artist or band you love with your friends then being able to switch stages and do it all over again with a different artist.

Gaining a New Outlook

Electronic Dance Music – EDM. A pretty new genre of music and everybody has a different opinion on it. I honestly like most genres of music. My iTunes consists of a lot, including Tim McGraw, John Mayer, Kanye West, the Grease soundtrack, Flo Rida, Don McLean, Snails, The Police, The Weeknd, Dillion Francis, and so many other artists.

Losing a Friend

Yesterday I suffered a loss unlike anything I have ever experienced before. My childhood dog died. His name was Scout and he had been my best friend ever since my parents brought him home. He wasn’t the first family dog that had passed away and he sure won’t be the last, but he was my first very own dog, which made this loss the most difficult one of all.